Prep - Year 6 Application for Enrolment
Thank you for your interest in enrolling your child at Our Lady of the Rosary School, Caloundra.
Enrolment applications for children going into Prep - Year 6 can be submitted throughout the year via the on-line enrolment application link below. There is no fee involved in submitting an application for enrolment.
If you have any questions about enrolling your child at our school, please call the school office on (07) 5491 4522 and speak to our Enrolments Officer.
Applications will be processed once you have completed the on-line application and the following documents have been emailed to the school. Copy of Birth Certificate or current passport
Copy of Baptism Certificate, if applicable
Copy of current Visa, if the child was not born in Australia
Copies of previous two school reports and NAPLAN report(s) - if applicable
Any medical and/or legal and/or specialist assessments
Please Note: submission of an application does not guarantee an enrolment place.

Enrolment Policy
Please refer to our Policy -
2025 OLR Enrolment Policy.pdf
Our enrolment policy has been formulated in keeping with the mission and purpose of a Parish Catholic school and current position in relation to buildings, facilities, resources and staffing.
Enrolments for 2025 is just over 320 pupils in Prep - Year 6. Our initial point for enrolment is Prep, which is offered on a full-time basis.
The population of Caloundra and surrounding suburbs is growing rapidly and there continues to be a strong demand for enrolments at OLR.
No child will be excluded from our school for financial reasons related to the inability of the family to pay full fees. Such commitment from the school is conditional upon the family adhering to the terms of the school fee remission process managed by the school. Should you find yourself in financial difficulty, please make an appointment with the school Finance Secretary by contacting the school office.
The enrolment of students with special needs will be considered in accordance with Brisbane Catholic Education's Policy on Enrolment and Support Procedures for Students with Special Needs. This policy takes into account, and is in accordance with, Brisbane Catholic Education Administration Guidelines on the Enrolment of Students.
Overseas Students
At the discretion of the Principal, our school may accept full fee paying overseas students.
© BCE, Our Lady of the Rosary School, Caloundra (2023)