Parents As Partners

​​Parents are welcome partners in the education of our students at OLR and their involvement in the children's education and in the general life of OLR are both highly valued and a vitally important part of building an effective home and school partnership. Parents and teachers are encouraged to maintain honest and open communication.
The following strategies and activities provide opportunities for parents to be involved in their child's education:
  • parent teacher meetings and evenings,
  • participation in classroom activities,
  • Read with Me program​,parents pnf mackillop.jpg
  • attendance at celebrations of learning and open classrooms,
  • participation in prayer gatherings and liturgies,
  • OLR Community Meetings,
  • social functions,
  • excursions,
  • sports days/carnivals, and  
  • OLR Community fund raising events. ​                                                                                                                                                                                                                          © BCE, Our Lady of the Rosary School, Caloundra  (2023) 
We have an active and involved OLR Community, who work together to support and build the OLR community.

Volunteer Requirements

All volunteers must be trained annually. Training is available on the BCE public website at the following link Student Protection and Code of Conduct Training for Volunteers and Other Personnel All volunteers must download the Volunteer Registration Form from the training module and supply the completed form to the school.

Volunteers must abide by the Volunteer Code of Conduct

Volunteer Statement of Responsibility Parents and Friends .pdf

Volunteer Statement of Responsibility Classroom based volunteer .pdf

Volunteer Statement of Responsibility Incursions Excursions volunteer .pdf

Volunteer Statement of Responsibility Non-classroom and Services volunteer .pdf

Volunteer Statement of Responsibility Co-Curricular Activity.pdf

Volunteer Statement of Responsibility Event Convenor .pdf